Archive | May, 2012
Artifacts bags filled and waiting processing in the field lab at 2007 Jones Mill excavations

Dirty Laundry: Cloth Artifact Bags in Arkansas

I have just finished doing the laundry for the 2012 Arkansas Archeological Society’s Summer Training Program…by that, I do not mean that  I have finished washing my field clothes…I mean that I’ve finished washing the artifact bags… What?!?, you say…I know, I know…this was a foreign practice to me until I moved to Arkansas in […]

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Music, Unbought Stuffed Dogs, Phil Collins & Ernest Hemingway

This week came more proof of the importance of music to how my mind works….many of you may know that I have no ability to memorize anything…mean anything…I have never been able to memorize addition or subtraction facts, multiplication tables, spellings, dates, or…or anything…I could never memorize prose sections or poetry…If I understand the system […]

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